Employers – Let’s talk!
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Finding You the Perfect Candidate
Regardless of the industry your organization serves, it can often be difficult to find the right talent and pursue the qualified candidates your organization needs while maintaining your everyday responsibilities.
At KLS Workforce Solutions, we possess an intimate knowledge of the job market, and we know how to find the perfect fit for your company, whether you’re seeking a single candidate for that key position or an entire team of skilled professionals for a business expansion or special project.
Candidate Research Services
Serving as your organization’s strategic resource center, KLS Workforce Solutions connects employers with experienced applicants ready to start when needed.
We perform an extensive screening of all our applicants which includes the following research services:
Resume review
Previous employment verification
Personality profile
Reference check
Technical competency review
The professional services sector is a critical component in today’s job market, and encompasses a broad range of disciplines from sales and marketing to legal and beyond. As a corporate staffing agency with years of experience, KLS Workforce Solutions understands that knowledgeable talent management is critical for the growth of your company and timely hiring solutions can often make or break sensitive projects or periods of high demand for your services.
From our professional licensing and certification review, to background checks and health clearances — the comprehensive screening process used by KLS Workforce Solutions ensures qualified candidates. In addition, we have a comprehensive employee development and retention program that creates a strong and experienced talent pool to match the special needs of unique projects and healthcare teams.
Our experienced recruiters use innovative resources to attract skilled candidates who are actively searching for new opportunities, as well as those who aren’t looking, but are open to new opportunities. Whether your company or team has positions to fill in bookkeeping, clerical, legal administration, customer service, or hospitality and event support, KLS Workforce Solutions is a trusted administrative recruitment agency for any temporary or permanent HR requirement.
We know that local, state, and federal government agencies throughout the country may have very diverse and individualized staffing needs. KLS Workforce Solutions is uniquely qualified and willing to put our experience to work for employers and jobseekers alike hoping to fill vacant government positions.

Have Questions?
If you have any questions regarding our personalized services for employers operating in professional, medical, administrative, or government fields, we invite you to learn more by contacting us today!